Arm and Elbow Injuries

Arm & Elbow Products

We have all the professional products recommended by the World’s best Physios

Elbow Arthritis
Proximal Humeral Fracture
Golfer's Elbow
  Tennis Elbow

Arm & Elbow Injuries Table

This table shows some of the key symptoms of the most common arm/elbow injuries. We strongly advise that you see a healthcare professional rather than attempt to self-diagnose.

The information pages about each condition should help to explain the injury you have and signpost how it can be appropriately managed. Remember that wear and tear (degeneration) in your elbow is a normal part of ageing. Often, people with large amounts of wear and tear on scans have no symptoms and are fully functioning. Avoiding moving your arm and general physical activity will not help. It is however advisable to manage your condition using the POLICE principle under the guidance of a physiotherapist. Pain-free clicking is nothing to worry about, as it is either tight tendons and ligaments flicking over the joints, or the release of nitrogen gas bubbles from your joints (cavitation). If there are high levels of pain with the clicking, elbow instability or deformity then seek a medical assessment

Condition Common Signs & Symptoms
Pain Swelling Stiffness Weakness Instability Locking
Elbow Arthritis
Golfer’s Elbow
Proximal Humeral Fracture
Tennis Elbow
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